Re: Virus scanning experiences

On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 23:59, Ross Golder wrote:
> On ศ., 2004-05-07 at 15:22 -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:
> >  A) With amavisd sitewide run from postfix
> > 
> >     (
> > 
> > I'm wondering if people have any experience with these tools and/or have
> > other relevant thoughts.
> > 
> I'm with jdub - 'kill the s*** before it hits the fan'!
> I use amavisd(-new) with Postfix on my home mailservers and a client.
> It's been very good. Whenever I check the mailqueue, it still seems to
> be tring to send a shedload of reject notifications to forged addresses
> (I can't see a decent way around that), so I also use a selection of
> RBLs as well to prevent much of it from even reaching amavisd (and thus
> need scanning and potentially generating a bounce message in the queue)

It's certainly possible to just drop the messages on the floor, which I 
think everybody concerned would appreciate.

> - in which case the sending server will handle the bounce. Anything that
> makes it to amavisd gets scanned with both spamassassin and clamav. A
> few virii/spam leak through from time to time, but a fraction in
> comparison to the total according to the logs.

Hmm, we probably don't want to to run spamassassin system wide ... we
can get more flexibility by running that from Mailman.

> I'd certainly recommend it.

OK, sounds like a plan.


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