Re: [GNOME-India]

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 9:04 PM, anish patil <anish developer gmail com> wrote:

I am not sure weather it would be a good place to discuss. Well one of
question that often arises is if i write a GNOME APP how would I monetize

There is nothing stopping them from monetizing it.  We should
definitely tackle this question, I think.  GNOME's libraries are
LGPL'd so linking to them would not cause them to have to release
their code.  They can make a closed source application.  It's not the
best, but it has been done before.

Some of their libraries they need to provide the source and license
for.  Karen can probably be the best person to talk about legal
issues.  But it does highlight that we should probably have some
documentation on licensing and what it means.

But you should be able to write a closed source application using
GNOME libraries.  The question of monetization is really up to them.
The advantage is that we can provide a full stack without having to
spend money.  Now, if they want new features, and faster bug fixes,
then they do have to cough up man power to do that.  The changes they
make though does need to be contributed back to the library per the


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