leaving coordinator position

Hello, everyone!

I found out recently, from the Andre Klapper email, that I am still listed as a coordinator of Armenian language translations of GNOME environment.
I remember contributing pretty big amount during GNOME2 times, it was an 
important experience for me, and also fun, however I don't see myself as 
a coordinator anymore.
As E-Hayk LLC also participated translations, I also know their 
translation related work in other FLOSS projects, I'd like to suggest 
someone from E-Hayk to take the position of coordinator.
I have added Samvel to CC list.

I also recovered my old address that is listed on this page: https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/hy/ and added that email to the CC list as well.
I appreciate GNOME and GTK+, thank you!

I'd like still to remain a team member, and maybe will contribute more translations in free time, but not very soon.
Thank you!


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