Re: 3.30 release notes ready for translation

Those are intentional. They correspond to &gitcommits; and &gitauthors; and will be updated with actual figures next week.

On Sat, Sep 1, 2018 at 1:56 PM, Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff gnome org> wrote:
Em ter, 28 de ago de 2018 às 11:20, Link Dupont <link sub-pop net> escreveu:

 Hi everyone,

 My apologies for announcing this so late. Due to some poor time
management plans on my part, finalization of the release notes didn't
 happen as soon as I had hoped.

They are now done and ready for translation! The notes can be found in the gnome-3-30 branch of the release-notes repository. I will be adding
 images this week.

Thanks for the release notes and thanks for letting us know!  I just
would like to know whether both occurrences of "###" are intentional
in the following paragraph:

"GNOME 3.30 is the latest version of GNOME 3, and is the result of 6
months’ hard work by the GNOME community. It contains major new
features, as well as many smaller improvements and bug fixes. In
total, the release incorporates ##### changes, made by approximately
### contributors."

(just checking, in case it is accidental...)

Best regards,
Rafael Fontenelle

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