Re: [dconf-editor] String freeze break request

Le 16. 08. 18 à 10:05, Arnaud Bonatti via gnome-i18n a écrit :
Hello everybody!

There’s a string freeze running, but I’ve spotted a mistake of my own
in the dconf-editor module I maintain. There’s a new information about
“forced range,” as the range of a numeral key can be forced or not,
and I’ve used an already existing translation for the “forced or not
forced” (“True” / “False”) info. But, this existing translation was
from a completely different context, and the result looks stupid in
some translations (Chinese where I’ve spotted the bug, but that is
probably not specific).

I’d like to correct that by pushing to new strings, “Yes” and “No,”
that would be even better in English and that would solve the
contextual translations problems. Is that doable?

Fine with me at this stage. i18n approval 1 of 2.


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