Re: Damned Lies don't update

Thanks a lot to both Claude and Andrea :)

Jatorrizko mezua: az., 2016-09-21 20:01 +0200, egilea: Claude Paroz
Le 21. 09. 16 à 14:36, Claude Paroz a écrit :

Le 21. 09. 16 à 11:10, Claude Paroz a écrit :

Apparently, the server is not receiving all commit
(which trigger statistics update).

We'll have to contact sysadmins...

Our beloved sysadmin Andrea repaired the messaging issues.
I'll trigger a global update of statistics later, should hopefully
up-to-date again after that.

All master and gnome-3-22 branches have been updated.
If other branches need an update, just ping me.


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