Re: Damned Lies don't update

Le 21. 09. 16 à 11:10, Claude Paroz a écrit :
Le 21. 09. 16 à 10:45, dooteo a écrit :
Hi all,

Jatorrizko mezua: az., 2016-09-21 10:34 +0200, egilea: Claude Paroz
Le 21. 09. 16 à 09:58, Marek Černocký a écrit :


Damned Lies don't update statistics and templates (or at least for

Could you be a bit more specific, for example telling us a specific
package which has not been updated?

Same for Basque lang:

For example, gsettings-desktop-schemas module's UI should be appear as
%100 translalated.

I just updated that module manually.

But there is indeed an issue.

Apparently, the server is not receiving all commit mail
(which trigger statistics update).

We'll have to contact sysadmins...

Our beloved sysadmin Andrea repaired the messaging issues.
I'll trigger a global update of statistics later, should hopefully be up-to-date again after that.


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