Thanks for checking! The only use case I know about is one of our more stubborn translators, but he is not active in GNOME anyway...
I guess all relevant distributions use utf8 at least for western languages.
Best regards
2016-11-14 18:49 GMT+01:00 Ask Hjorth Larsen <asklarsen gmail com>:I did a quick test with gedit and totem, which da.po files already
> Thanks for all the useful info. I am very much in favour of using
> unicode as much as possible. But what happens if someone uses a
> different locale encoding? For example Danish is typically used with
> UTF8 (LANGUAGE=da_DK.UTF-8), but can also be used with ISO-8859-1.
> ISO-8859-1 does not have the ellipsis. Will it work anyway, provided
> the po-file specifies UTF-8 as its own encoding?
have a Unicode ellipsis and quotation marks, respectively, and they
worked fine with LANG=da_DK.iso-8859-1. I can't guarantee it working
100% of the time (I don't know how the internals work here), but I do
think we are safe in this case.
Besides, I can't imagine why you would need to run GNOME on anything
other than UTF-8. I'd be interested to learn about any use cases,