Re: Portugal portuguese manual files

2016-06-11 11:14 GMT-03:00 Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff gnome org>:

2016-06-11 10:38 GMT-03:00 Tiago Santos <tiagofsantos81 sapo pt>:
Good afternoon,

I am a Portuguese l10n translator/commiter and at the moment I am the most active member of the team. As such, I am contacting you since Duarte Loreto (team coordinator) is presently time constrained and he is unavailable to solve this matter.

I am trying to commit documentation translations relating to GNOME apps but in the last month I have faced the following error:
"An error occurred during applying your action: The commit failed. The error was: 'Sorry, adding new translations for documentation is not yet supported.'"

Some translations have been completed for quite a while and there has been unsuccessful attempts to commit to repository in the past. Has an example:

Duarte mentioned me that this may be solved uploading the base files on the proper branch directly to git. I hope that can be solved on your side after this contact but, if it is not possible, please guide me in the proper procedures to fix this issue.

Many thanks for the given attention.
Best regards,

Tiago Santos
gnome-i18n mailing list
gnome-i18n gnome org


I suggestion double checking translator-credits, as it doesn't contain the name and e-mail address of the last translator.

Rafael Fontenelle

I'm sorry. I read your email so quickly that I didn't notice you were asking more than just a commit of gnome-getting-started-docs. Anyway, I already committed this translation for you guys.

Indeed, Damned-Lies doesn't support sending first translation of documentation at the moment, in spite of accepting updates for existent translations.

So, at the moment, you need to
1) have Git account in GNOME with write permission;
2) git clone the desired module;
3) manually edit the help' file (normally inside directory help/ or gnome-help/) adding your language code where appropriate;
4) create your language directory (e.g. 'pt') inside the help files' directory and put your translation in it with filename <language code>.po (e.g. pt.po).
5) commit + push translation with git 

For information on Git usage, see

If you don't have GNOME account with Git permission, you'll need to request. I don't know what is the current policy on it, but some information cane be found in:

Alternatively, you can ask someone in this list to commit for you.

Rafael Fontenelle

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