Re: Committer role?

Þann fös  9.jan 2015 13:16, skrifaði Rafael Ferreira:
>So, I read between the lines that there should be a "commit-to-repo" feature
>in D-L; I've never seen that despite having a Committer status.
>Where can I see it in the D-L interface?
There was not much change in D-L web interface about this feature,
except that if you are a Commiter or Coordinator, the action dropdown
menu will reveal the action "Send to repository" right after "To
Commit" or "Proofread".

I only see the following options on a page for a file:
(e.g. at or

Reserve for translation
Write a comment
Inform of submission
Archive the actions


Upload a .po, .gz, .bz2 or .png file

None of the actions you mentioned are available. Curious?

Best regards,
Sveinn í Felli

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