Untranslated strings in frogr 1.0

Hi all,

First of all, I think I owe translators an apology for doing things
the reverse way of what they are supposed to be done (releasing first
and asking for translations after), so here: Sorry about that :(

Now, this mail is to let you know (better late than never) that there
are a few strings that need updating in the latest version of frogr
which, as I mentioned in [1], I released yesterday using an
"unexpected chunk of spare time".

I have no idea when I'm making the next release, but I know two
things: I'm not expecting new UI strings on it (and probably no
changes either) and it's probably take a while as it will probably
happen in another "unexpected chunk of spare time". Thus, should some
translators could/wanted to step into improving the state of the
languages not at 100% in [2], that would be wonderful (and probably
quite safe to do it already now, even if I just released 1.0).

Thanks again for your help and sorry once more time for doing this the
wrong way,

[1] http://mariospr.org/2015/12/30/frogr-1-0-released/#comment-3575
[2] https://l10n.gnome.org/module/frogr

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