Tasks for Google Code-In

Hi all,

I'm organizing the participation ef GNOME in the Google Code-In, trying to collect some tasks (and mentors for them). I have some ideas in mind for Damned Lies that could fi the GCI tasks requirements (https://live.gnome.org/GoogleCodeIn/GCI2012):

- Show inactive members list collapsed by default. This topic has already been discussed here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671970

- The page showing differences between the original PO file and the uploaded by a translator is not show properly in the production envrionment (right margin is missing), but in my local development version it is shown properly. I will open a bug with screenshots to clarify it.

- Integrate gtxml in DL, to check the syntax of PO files like now is being done with missing files in POTFILES.in, etc. This would help to avoid building errors in documentation files

- Create a link to download all the incompleted PO files from a moduleset. This way, a bored translator can download in just one step all the remaining files to reach the 100% in a moduleset. Later, using my GTTK script (I want to fix some issues before publishing it...), the translator can commit all the translated files in anothe one step.

Well, these are some ideas I think could be great to present to the GCI, so if someone wants to help us mentoring them, will be welcome!

Of course, if somebody wants to propose another task, or wants to be a mentor in this event, will be more than welcome :)

Thanks for your attention

Best regards

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