Fixed my error in yelp translations

Yelp has one string that comes from a POT file generated from
an XML message catalog file, the same way yelp-xsl translations
work. Except I completely screwed up how the POT file was being
generated, so it had this:

msgid "Install <_:string-1/>"

And it should have had this:

msgid "Install <string/>"

The merge process expects the latter, and that's what should be
in the POT file. As a result, since the msgid had <_:string-1/>,
all the translations had it in the msgstr.

I've fixed the build process and the POT file in git, and I've
fixed all of the affected PO files. If you were at 100% before,
you're still at 100% now. You don't have to do anything. I just
wanted to let everybody know that I touched your files.

Thanks, and sorry for the trouble.


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