I want to become translation coordinator for Bosnian.

Dear sir,
My name is Samir Ribić, professor of Operating systems at University of Sarajevo. As a part of this course my students and me localized Ubuntu and KDE 4.9 to 100% level. Ubuntu Launchpad contains a big portion of GNOME as well. Bosnian is currently No 1 in Ubuntu Launchpad, but GNOME upstream translation is quite weak.

The current official maintainer Amila Akagić told me a year ago that she has no more interest in maintaining GNOME, and no one contributed to GNOME upstream Bosnian translations for more than 5 years. She is currently in Japan attending PhD course

Actually this can be improved. We have many translations in Ubuntu Launchpad, and difference between Bosnian and Serbian ijekavian essentially does not exist (the only difference is that Serbian team translated program names, while Bosnian keeps them in original), so I can reuse their translations as well. I think, I can raise Bosnian translation completeness from current 15% to 80% in just few days, and in Fall 2013 to 100%.

I am already KDE translation coordinator with SVN account. What is procedure of becoming GNOME coordinator, and receiving GIT account when the language exists, but the coordinator is inactive for a long time?

dr Samir Ribić

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