Re: Italian team facing problems

2009/2/25 Milo Casagrande <milo casagrande name>

Second problem:

In our team we have two people with commit rights: one is obviously the
coordinator, the other one is Luca Ferretti.

In the last period most of the commits (or at least a big part) have
been done by Luca, but now we are facing a (big) problem: Luca is
without computer (dead broken) for an undefined period of time. This
leaves us with nobody with commit rights: I have to assume this since
the coordinator is not responding. I raised this problem even inside our
mailing list, but I had no answer.

Any help or advice you have or would like to share is welcome.

Thank you.

A little update on my status. I've a limited access to Internet on a Linux machine, so I'm able to perform some commits, but of course I can't use it daily. Milo is continuing updating me about needs and developments of this unfortunate situation.

Today I've committed files that was ready; I poked Italian translators to use and upload ASAP their own stuff, but I'll be very thankful to Og Maciel if he would like to help us in committing phase.

Cheers, Luca.

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