Re: How to find where the string is from?

2008/11/10 Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net>
Am Sonntag, den 09.11.2008, 23:57 +0100 schrieb Yannig MARCHEGAY:
> Recently, I saw a mistranslation in the languages (French, Spanish,
> etc., not PHP, ASP, etc.) shown when defining the doc language in
> gedit. That mistranslation is "Franchimand" but no way to find it in
> the langpack.

You don't say which language you talk about. Occitan itself?

Yes, Occitan

What is a
"langpack"? Some Ubuntuism?
There is no easy way I can think of - probably getting a complete
checkout and grep'ing through the po files.

Yes, an Ubuntuism (but I also translate upstream). I grepped and no result, that's why I was asking here :-)

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