Re: Adding policykit-gnome to damned-lies

Olav Vitters írta:
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 03:03:24PM +0100, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
How can we submit translations for this package? I can't see it using
TP[1], or svn->git 'mirroring' (can't find better word, sorry) like
packagekit-gnome[2], neither it's bugzilla[3]. I think we can add it
to d-l, but without a decent way to get the translations in the
sources, it's quite pointless.
The question was about policykit-gnome, not policykit.

Thanks, I know. Is there any difference, from translation point of view? I was unable to find the way of submitting translations, using bugzilla does not work, just look at the Polish and Finnish pk-gnome translations rotting there.
Gabor Kelemen

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