[mr] Marathi co-ordinator -- how can i wish you get a svn account, so that team gets listed in mango ?


      How I can wish Marathi Team co-ordinator get a svn account somehow?

Getting an account desperately might help:

1) Marathi getting listed at https://mango.gnome.org/new_account.php page as one of the Translation Teams that contributes actively into GNOME translations (GNOME 2.22 Marathi == approx 80% translation status was achieved).

2) Avoid relying on others within the team for upstream commits and resolving urgent bug fixes (I guess only one Marathi team member has svn account).

3) Might Reduce some amount of overload on translators within the team -- won't have to worry atleast for upstream commits chasing the person around for upstreaming files :) --just a pun.

      Additionally, if there is any other alternative procedure that would help Marathi getting listed in the Mango Translation Teams do let me know.

Waiting for the reponse & Thanks in advance.

Sandeep Shedmake

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