Re: maintenance

Op Saterdag 2008-01-19 skryf Gil Forcada:
> Yesterday I did some cleaning in lots of (yes there are
> still modules with this, don't know how maintainers life with that
> pain :) and LINGUAS files
> since I added lots of languages codes and so on, check your language in
> damned-lies and don't blame me if is something missing :P
> I filed some bugs against modules that doesn't have proper MAINTAINERS
> file and one bug against gettext:
> don't know if is really a gettext bug, anyone?
> cheers,

I agree with Bruno's comments in the bug - this is a translator's
mistake. The message "There are 3 tabs open" can not be represented
without the variable. Therefore the variable must be present.

Of course, nothing stops a translator for saying their language uses 2
plural forms if it only really uses 1, simply to be able to use a word
for the singular case rather than a variable. I guess this won't be
common though, and might confuse other people using the file later.


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