Re: Translating "yes" and "no" as answers to specific questions

Ysgrifennodd Jonh Wendell:
> Why not just make your own dialog, gtk+ allows you to add any kind of
> custom button.

Because I'm thinking from the point of view of the translators rather 
than the programmers.  The programmers can create a dialogue with any 
buttons they like, it's true, but unless the default language of the 
application is Welsh or Irish they're unlikely to have used custom 
buttons for a yes/no question.  Since the translators are usually 
translating US English strings from code, it's unlikely that all GTK 
users are going to agree to use custom dialogue buttons just for the 
sake of Welsh and Irish users; indeed, that would make 
GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO rather pointless.



Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome,
They're just ordinary boulders.

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