Re: GOffice and LINGUAS

On 07/09/2007, at 12:10 AM, Claude Paroz wrote:

Le jeudi 06 septembre 2007 à 23:29 +0930, Clytie Siddall a écrit :
Hi everyone :)

I've just updated GOffice (which seems to be bits and pieces of other
files), but I noticed that Damned Lies warned "Entry for this
language is not present in ALL_LINGUAS in configure file".

So, after translating the file, I looked for ALL_LINGUAS. In (at the root level of the package), it said:
"am az bg ca cs da de el en_CA en_GB es et fi fr ga gl he hr hu it ja
ko lv ml mr ms nb nl nn oc pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sr sr Latn sv tr uk
vi zh_CN zh_TW")

So my language (vi) _is_ there. Is Damned Lies confused, or is there
something wrong with the substitution above?

Hi Clytie,


Thanks, Claude. I've added my problem.

So everyone should be using LINGUAS, huh?

I'll add that to my running campaigns on typos (I think I've nearly eliminated "occured" in GNOME), filling in the Report-Msgid-Bugs-To header, and the use of the iso-codes package to avoid us retranslating LONG (and usually inaccurate) lists of languages, currencies and country names.

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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