Re: Start Gimp translation


"Leang Chumsoben" <leang chumsoben gmail com> writes:

>    So what we want to know is what steps should we do to have it
>    translated? Is it right that we need to translate:
>    /gimp/po
>    /gimp/po-libgimp
>    /gimp/po-plug-ins
>    /gimp/po-scritp-fu
>    /gimp/po-tips

Yes, that is correct.

>    Another question is (if this is not the right place to ask please
> kindly point me to the correct one) when will the next release of
> GIMP come out? Since we have many other works to do so we want to
> know how much work we will do and its deadline easy for us to
> prepare our work.

There's no fixed release date yet and we haven't yet frozen our
strings. The string freeze will be announced here. I expect that to
happen in a couple of weeks.


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