Re: String change for Tomboy (patch included)

On 8/25/06, Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:
string.Format (Catalog.GetString ("<b>{0}</b> of <b>{1}</b> Sticky Notes
" +
                                  "were successfully imported into Tomboy."),

Shouldn't this be using GetPluralString?

Okay, now I'm confused.  Which number will indicate that the string
goes plural?  In English, I think "Sticky Notes" can stay plural even
if the value of {1} is 1.  But I don't know how other languages would
prefer to phrase that.  Then, we have "were successfully imported",
which seems dependent on the value of {0}, ie:

"1 of 3 Sticky Notes was successfuly imported into Tomboy".

Is the conjugation of "were/was/to be" dependent on "1" or "3"?  And
is this different for different languages?

So, yeah, I'm confused about what number I should pass in to
GetPluralString to determine whether or not the text should be plural.
Should I break this up into seperate strings?  If so, how?

Thanks for any advice,

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