Re: clock capplet and nautilus date and time formats

Dnia 14-02-2005, pon o godzinie 13:27 +0100, Danilo Šegan napisał(a):

>We might actually go another route: instead of relying on OS, develop
>a library of supported time and date formats (or simply extend
>g_strftime, or whatever it's called, to support special modifiers in
>addition to %x, %X and %c).

Well, I Agree, cause in polish language (like probably in other slavic
languages) we got problems with months names. For example if month name
is alone or only with year we use another form that is used in
conjuction with day.
So for February we should have:

Luty 2005 and 14 Lutego 2005, but we have Luty 2005 and 14 Luty 2005,
where last form is wrong.


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