Re: Doc Translations

danilo gnome org (Danilo Åegan) writes:

Your approach is very interesting and quite clean.

> Another drawback of xml2po is that it cannot cope with some fancy
> usage of XML entities (eg. entities are declared in one, toplevel
> file, but used in another; I can solve this easily if I sacrifice
> ability to merge file-by-file, and simply output entire translation
> into one XML file, and Python libxml2 bindings would probably need
> some extensions to allow for the proper fix).

There is another issue with entity resolution.  Usually one want to
preserve those in the original and the translation - but things like 

<!ENTITY appversion "2.1.6">
<!ENTITY manversion "2.1.0">
<!ENTITY app "Bug Buddy">
          <application>&app;</application> is a tool which
          will guide you through making a bug report as painlessly as possible.          You can alter things at any stage, and then either send, save, or
          abandon the resulting report. This document describes
          version &appversion; of <application>&app;</application>: note that
          it has changed substantially in appearance from earlier versions.

will get resolved to their literal values in the .pot file:

#: two.xml:15
msgid ""
"<application>Bug Buddy</application> is a tool which will guide you through "
"making a bug report as painlessly as possible. You can alter things at any "
"stage, and then either send, save, or abandon the resulting report. This "
"document describes version 2.1.6 of <application>Bug Buddy</application>: "
"note that it has changed substantially in appearance from earlier versions."

This will cause unnecessary fuzzies once entity vulues change.

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