Re: String-freeze break in GnomeMeeting

lör 2004-09-04 klockan 12.01 skrev Damien Sandras:
> Christian, Danilo,
> That is entirely my fault, I had mailed the release team but not GNOME
> I18N. The GnomeMeeting version that will ship with GNOME 2.8 is not
> HEAD, but the old gnome_2_4 branch corresponding to GnomeMeeting 1.0.2.

Ouch, two whole GNOME releases back? AFAIR the gnomemeeting branch that
was used for GNOME 2.6 was from the gnomemeeting gnome-2-6 branch, so it
seems strange to go back to the even older gnome_2_4 branch. Is this
really intentional?

> GnomeMeeting 1.2 is unfortunately not ready to be shipped with GNOME
> 2.8. 
> I apologize to have informed the release team and not GNOME i18n, please
> tell me what I should do now. 

I've updated the GNOME 2.8 translation status pages to show the
gnomemeeting gnome_2_4 branch now. It should show up as soon as the
pages update. Let's hope that translators will be able to retrofit their
translations into that branch.

But do other contributors know about the correct gnomemeeting branch to
use? I'm thinking of docs people and others that are mentioned on that need
notification of new branches.

The work of many contributors largely depend on them being able to spend
their time on the correct branches. Given that the module list is as big
as it is already, and the large number of contributors, any added
confusion doesn't help. Please be a bit more careful when branching and
announcing your branches in the future.


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