Re: Translation tools for documentation


Tim Foster wrote:
---heavy snipping---
> Absolutely. Here's my main worry (and maybe it's not such a big deal,
> hard to tell) - if you start with translation tools that work at a
> paragraph level, you're kinda stuck there. That is, you've got .po files
> with one paragraph per msg from one release. If you change to sentence
> level segmentation in the next release, you're not going to get the same
> level of reuse from those old po files with paragraph level segments
> without doing some pretty hairy alignment-procesing between them (that
> is, finding which sentences in each source paragraph correspond to which
> sentences in each translated paragraph, in order to build a useful TM.)

well, use a TM that stores both kinds, and make sure the CAT-tool 
can recognize and assemble segments from sub-segments. Should cover 
most cases.

> There's lots of other stuff though that I'd like to add to it, in
> particular around the "mini" TM feature (having the editor automagically
> share it's mini TM amongst other online translators in your language
> might be quite neat - something like jxta might allow that to work very
> nicely) maybe these are unnecessary, I dunno -  Feetch Feetch!

This sounds very useful.

BTW (answer off-list, it's OT): what does "Feetch Feetch" mean?


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