Re: Translation of numeric values (application gnome-schedule)

On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 10:11:13PM +0200, Åsmund Skjæveland wrote:
> P. Van Hoof:
> >Untitled | At this hour: 2             | ls |
> >         | At this minute: 1           |    |
> >         | At this day of the month: 3 |    |
> >
> >This is as hard as [raw crontab] to understand
> No, it isn't. Au contraire, I think it's easier to understand than both 
> the raw crontab and your example, which is a long and winding sentence 
> that I have to read slowly and carefully to be sure that I understood 
> correctly. The above table, on the other hand, is fairly easy to read: 
> The important parts are visually separated and easy to see, with proper 
> numbers, and not mungled into a long and tedious sentence.

Just jumping in here: it might help to include a "next run" field, for
the example above it would read Tuesday, 2004-08-03 02:01:00 (localised
appropriately). Someone editing the "at this hour/minute/day" fields
would see the "next run" field update and this would hopefully make
errors easier to spot.


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