Re: =?utf-8?b?UmVjb21tZW5kZWQgc3Ry?==?utf-8?b?aW5nIHRvIHVzZSBmb3Ig?==?utf-8?b?wqtEbyBmb28gZXZlcnk=?= <widget>=?utf-8?b?dGltZXVuaXRzwrsgYW5kIA==?==?utf-8?b?c2ltaWxhcg==?=

Åsmund Skjæveland <> writes:

> The second example is translatable, but still a bug, since it splits a
> sentence.
> Is there a recommended English sentence to ask for instead when filing
> bugs?

Just ask for separate strings, i.e.
 Check for mail every <...> seconds
 Check for mail every <...> minutes
 Check for mail every <...> hours

But, since you're probably talking about UI issues, it would mean
introducing a context marker (because it cannot be "blah blah %s
blah").  Generally, composing sentences with UI elements is as bad as
composing them from a couple of strings, but it's hard to convince
developers about that, and we don't have a better solution to the
problem which we could propose to them.

At the same time, I'd like to see a ngettext-ized label "seconds",
"hours" etc. which changes according to the number in the spinbox, but
I don't complain until I get some time to actually work on something
like that ;)

So, there are quite a bit of problems there, which make GUI seem less


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