Re: [Fwd: Re: New string in gnome-control-center]

On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 03:03:57PM +0100, Danilo Segan wrote:
> What about the those non-technical, XKB equipped, long-standing X
> users?  To them, since they might not understand the message, you're
> offering a dialog with meaningless crap and two buttons which don't
> help either ("Ignore" and "Rename") -- they would both cause the
> exact same failure which you want to avoid (except the "silent"
> part):

Why would they see the message at all ?  They wouldn't have
.xmodmap* files lying around.  Additionally XKB itself does not
preclude the use of modmap.  The problem is the g-s-d erasing the
settins during intialization, which is typicly after the user's
session has already loaded them.
> So, this dialog seems to me to be *notification* dialog that things
> don't work; it doesn't offer a proper solution

There is no way to use the old modmap files at this time.  Our
current feeling is that the message should be a simple notification
so that the user is at least informed that the file will be ignored.

If you wanted to get really fancy I suppose we could offer to load
the files, but that is starting to get into the realm of voodoo.
Remember, searching for these file names is _not_ conclusive, it is
just a curtesy.  Someone that put the modmap commands directly into
their .xsession would not get notified.

> Whether Gnome's settings daemon ignores this all silently or
> non-silently (does non-technical user know how to "unload XKB" -- I
> don't know how, and I consider myself a technical user -- I would
> have to look it up through man pages, configuration files, etc.).

There is no fix.  Disabling xkb in the server would do it, but is
pointless.  The user should be able to reproduce their cherished
modifications using the extensions to the keyboard capplet.

In summary, we suck and should not be erasing a user's
modifications.  However, since there is no current way to avoid it
we need to at least warn them.

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