Re: GNOME Lovers Needed: l10n work for locations database

sön 2004-12-12 klockan 11:45 +0100 skrev Keld Jørn Simonsen:
> > In addition, we require all other source strings to be spelled using
> > American English, in order to bring consistency to the translators (and
> > probably also users who do not specify any translation at all). Thus, I
> > don't see the point in bringing inconsistency in breaking this policy
> > regarding these names. Especially not as we've stated multiple times
> > that all entries should already be labelled with a comment specifying
> > the native name in case it's different from the anglicised name in the
> > msgid, so that the translator will have both sources of information
> > anyway in order to be able to produce a correct translation.
> I don't think we have a policy of using American English in the msgid.

We do (as pointed out in several of our online documents, and as
highlighted in several discussions in the past).

Please stop spreading disinformation.


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