Re: Status page HEAD category?

ons 2004-04-14 klockan 22.27 skrev Adam Weinberger:
> It'd be neat to have a separate category for HEAD in addition to 2.4 and
> 2.6.
> The way it seems to work at this point is that the 2.6 category is the
> most up-to-date category, until 2.8 becomes the current category.
> What if, instead, there were a separate HEAD category, and it always
> contained the development branch. Then, it could be copied into a 2.8
> category once 2.8 branchpoints are tagged.
> As it is, I cannot see offhand if there have been string changes in the
> HEAD branches of anything that's already laid 2.6 tags.
> I'm curious what others think about this?

The way it usually works is that we¹ create categories for the next
stable major release (in this case GNOME 2.8) when development on that
release has started. This is clearly the case now as many modules have
So far I simply haven't had the time to do this change on the status
pages though, and I haven't prioritized it either, as monitoring the
very earliest phases of development isn't terribly useful. It'll get
much more interesting for translators somewhat later.
That being said, it's still on my radar, and I'll get to it soon when
time permits².


¹ Carlos used to do it, but the last releases I've done it.
² At the moment I'm occupying myself with non-translation activities but
also other translation efforts, like translating modules in the
Translation Project (, some
of them GNOME dependencies and hence very relevant to GNOME
translations, and translation of my favourite distro and other projects.
I can recommend any of this to those who currently feel that their GNOME
2.6 translations are perfect but whose fingers are itching for more. ;-)

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