Re: Status pages strange thing

уторак, 16. септембар 2003. 16:17:28 CEST — Duarte Loreto написа:
>    Hello!
> I've noticed this on the status pages for some time, but I didn't  
> bother to talk about it as everyone was to much into 2.4. Now that  
> 2.4 is out, I would like to ask if anyone can explain this to me...
> Look at the top.html page.
> Country               Transl.        %     Fuzzy  Untrans
> Swedish (sv)         58569    99,98      8        2
> Portuguese (pt)    58574    99,63    117      98

Duarte, the best way *I* have found to detect in which module is the
error is to check the status pages for completely unsupported language
(eg. Manx Gaelix, with only 40 fuzzy messages). For example, on page:
you can see that three modules don't have correctly generated POT
files (yellow bars). Those modules are gal.evolution-1-4-branch,  
gtkhtml.evolution-1-4-branch and gdesklets-extras.

gdesklets-extras is particular in that it requires gdesklets to be in
the same directory structure, eg.:


while in Carlos software, "gdesklets" directory is probably named
gdesklets.HEAD, or something like that which breaks the POT file
generation. This means that you cannot trust status pages for  

So, we're left with other two: gtkhtml and gal.

I've just fixed gtkhtml (there were 5 or 6 files missing from POTFILES.
in), but I don't know what can I do about "gal". intltool-update is
reporting "mismatched quote" on "continuation lines" ("\" followed by
newline inside strings), but I'm not sure if that's causing the

Yet, by peeking into sv and pt extras pages, I could have seen that sv
had "180" translated messages for gtkhtml, while "pt" had 390. Yet, it
seems that "sv" will have 398 after the intltool-update.


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