Re: Fixing 5th Toe in status pages

Görkem Çetin <> написа:
> I wonder why Gaim/Xchat i18n process is handled out of GNOME i18n project?

Menthos (Christian Rose) is probably much better suited to answer
this, but here are my 2 cents.

Gaim developers don't like to be considered "Gnomeish" even in the
remote sense. They're not willing to make use of Gnome CVS (which is
essential prerequisite for taking advantage of GTP) for their
development purposes.

As for XChat, I don't really know, but I suspect the reasons are
roughly the same. AFAIK, Gnome has readily accepted any significant
(Gnome related, which both of these are, since they make use of Gtk+)
project into Gnome CVS, so I doubt there's a problem at "our" end.

Some hackers (like those of Gstreamer) are waiting for secure CVS
access (using ssh), and that should be provided whenever new Gnome
CVS server comes along. 

Certainly, many translators have asked for including as many programs
in Gnome CVS, but it's not rare to have developers move out (as an
example, recent fork of Sodipodi will also lose the benefit that GTP
provides, because they moved to SourceForge CVS).

So, it can all be said shortly:
Because developers of those projects don't consider GTP contributions
to be a benefit big enough to abandon their current CVS servers


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