Dictionary maintenance software

Hi guys,
I am a member of the Bulgarian translation team. I concentrate on Gnome, 
but all (KDE included) Bulgarian Free Software transtators participate 
in the same mail list.
We have reached a point when we want to have a single dictionary for our 
Are there any software solutions for this yet? We want to be able easily 
to add entries, add comentaries to them, have the dictionary easily 
exported to a single html file - searchable with a browser or less, grep 
Manual maintenance of the dictionaries is a major PITA - we have several 
times re-discussed terms that slipped out of the dictionaris.
I searched the archives for this but found nothing. On web I found that 
the Danish translation team has some system written in Objective C, but 
I did not like it.
Any suggestions?
Best regards:

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