Re: French character names in gucharmap

Brouard Nicolas a écrit :
> Hi,
> Translation must be either of excellent quality or none. Gnome products
> can't be distributed in French schools or colleges because of the poor
> current translations. 

Mr Brouard!
I'm really happy to see you here! Surely the GNOME French List was not 
suffisient for all you have to say about GNOME French translation...

Just for your information, you should do to a bookshop and buy the Linux 
Pratique magazine of this month. You'll can read an article about the 
deployment of more than 2000 Freeduc-CD in the Jean Bart school at 
Freeduc-CD 1.4 is a live-cd made by OFSET with the support of UNESCO.
Freeduc-CD 1.3 was made with the support of SCEREN, the official 
ressources center for "Éducation national"
OFSET ( ) is an Organization for Free Software in 
Education and Teaching deeply involved in the GNOME project too.

AbulEdu is an another solution largely used in school where GNOME is the 
primary desktop.

Then, please, stop to disparage GNOME French communities and be 


Christophe Merlet (RedFox)

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