Re: unifying copyright entries (was: [RFC] General terminologychange)

sön 2002-09-22 klockan 15.24 skrev Rhys Jones:
> > I seem to recall that (C) holds no legal meaning, the copyright symbol
> > however does. Or something like that. It was a long time ago.
> Hi Gareth :) This *may* be what you're looking for:

According to the discussion in, US Code Title 17
Section 401 doesn't mention "(C)". It just mentions "©", "Copyright",
and "Copr." as valid expressions for copyright, so it may still be that
"©" is preferrable to "(C)" even in the US.
The laws of other countries might not recognize the term "Copyright" at
all (, so it seems a
proper "©" must be present.

This of course applies to the rest of the translations as well and not
just the po file header -- I always "translate" all references to "(C)"
in a msgid to a proper "©" in the corresponding msgstr.


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