Re: gedit schemas file warning.

On 30 May 2002, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> > > Thank you Kenneth! Is there a good general awareness of this among
> > > the package maintainers i.e have they updated their package
> > > to include files? In a spot check of :
> > >
> > > gedit                 gnome-control-center  gnome-utils
> > > ggv                   gnome-desktop         gperfmeter
> > > ghex                  gnome-media           nautilus
> > > glade                 gnome-panel
> > > gnome-applets         gnome-session
> > >
> > > ..I only see references to .schemas in the of gnome-panel,
> > > gnome-utils & gedit yet most of these modules contain .schemas files
> > > in their sources.
> > >
> > > Maybe they don't all have translatable content but it might be an idea
> > > to send a reminder to the gnome-hackers alias.
> >
> > I think this is a bad idea. We are only four days away from deep freeze
> > (when not even translation updates will be allowed as I understand it) and
> > adding translation to all modules will result in a huge load of
> > new strings to translate across most GNOME modules.
> But those strings are already without translations so it does nothing
> but let some translator translate them (if they have time...).
This is the problem. Four days is *very* little time, and for the
languages and modules where Sun has been doing their translation review
(which we haven't recieved yet afaik) we'll still both need to
review and complete those in four days, with all the string changes that
were made to the modules in the mean time where we weren't supposed to
update the translations of those modules.

Adding a lot of schema messages to be translated across most if not all
modules during the same time seems like an impossible task to cope with.
And the schemas messages aren't *that* important.

So it seems that adding these schemas for translation now will only make
it impossible for having *any* fully translated languages with 2.0.0. And
I think that would be bad. Let's add those for 2.0.x.


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