Re: Project translation policy (was Re: gnomeradio translations)

mån 2002-02-04 klockan 19.14 skrev Joergen Scheibengruber:
> > What do you think about this suggestion?
> Hi!
> I'll handle it that way in the future. Though, I think it has 2 huge
> disadvantages (that's why I was kind of sceptical). First of all, it's
> much easier for users who aren't so familiar with the whole i18n
> procedure and cvs as you on gnome-i18n, to just pick the .pot-file from
> the tarball, translate it end send it to the author then to fidle around
> with cvs and contacting their language team.

They don't have to fiddle around with CVS if they do not want to. They
can just fetch it from the web status pages (all pot files are
downloadable directly from these pages). Also, if there currently is an
existing or partial translation for the language, it is also fetchable
from the web status pages.
Also, I don't think it is much more difficult to contact the language
team than contacting the developer.

> Secondly most language teams have _much_ to few participants. And these
> few have much work with translating the realy big apps like evolution,
> nautilus and all the core gnome packages. So it would take ages untill a
> small app like gnomeradio (only interessting to a rather limited
> audience, too) would be translated. Thats why I chose to handle it
> myself.

It is true that many teams have few participants and have a lot to do,
but I think this is even more a reason for keeping the translations at
the same place so there is no need for any complicated investigations to
find out if a translations exists, if it is the most recent, and if work
is needed.

> But since I don't plan to do any string-changes in the next time
> (only bugfixes and then port it to gtk 2.0) I think it's just fine with
> cvs :-)
> BTW: Did someone already add the files?

I don't think so. Have you put them on a web page somewhere?


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