Please replace (C) with © in copyright notices

In many GNOME copyright notice messages the sequence "(C)" is used,
something like this:

msgid "Copyright (C) 2002 Foo"

Please note that the (C) needs to be replaced in the msgstr with the
official copyright character © (a "C" inside a circle) by the
translators. Almost all character sets, including the iso- character
sets and UTF-8, have this symbol. So a correct "translation" would be:

msgid "Copyright (C) 2002 Foo"
msgstr "Copyright © 2002 Foo"

Please DON'T just copy the (C). Unfortunately, most of the existing
GNOME translations seem to be doing this, which is why I'm sending this

Why do this have to be replaced? The reason is that the (C) isn't a
legally recognized symbol for copyright information, but the © is.
The reason a (C) is used instead of the proper © in the msgid is that
the msgid has to be in ASCII, and ASCII is one of the few character sets
that unfortunately doesn't have this symbol.

How do you insert this character? Unfortunately, this character isn't
present on most keyboard layouts. You can however use the GNOME
character map and many other similar applications to insert this
character. And the fastest way is of course to copy and paste this
character from already existing messages.


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