Re: what is current

Christian Rose a écrit :
> Xchat uses two branches, one development branch and one stable branch.
> Uneven numbers are for the development branch, and even numbers for
> stable branches.
> In gnome CVS, "xchat" is for the development branch, and "xchat-stable"
> is the stable branch. The current stable branch is 1.8.x, while there
> isn't a new 1.9.x development branch (yet). When there will be, the
> "xchat" directory will be updated with the new unstable pot, but right
> now it has been unupdated for many months, simply because there is no
> current development branch at the moment.

I would suggest to add some README in the directories explaining this...
because at the present time, xchat/INFO contains info about an even
numbered version, which might as well be stable...

Or maybe, just cvs remove the files in xchat 'til a development version

> On the other hand, the "xchat-stable" directory reflects the current
> 1.8.x stable series and is updated, and this is where translations
> should go at the moment.

Also here a README might be welcome.

My 2 cents,
Olivier BERGER - Secrétaire de l'association APRIL 
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