Re: Glossary update

Michael Twomey wrote:
> There is a README in gnome-i18n/glossary which gives quick instructions
> on editing the glossary. To quickly get going just run "./
> GnomeGlossary.csv > mylang.po".

Thanks!!! :)
This will make the glossary creating part much easier. I tried
csv-to-pot-sh with a Swedish translation memory (thanks also to Karl
Eichwalder for creting those translation memory tools) and I suddenly

527 translated messages, 356 fuzzy translations, 9 untranslated

Now, this only has to be checked and corrected for the glossary...

However, I've found a problem with It creates "#" style
po comments (only the # character), and those comments disappeared
immediately when I ran some sort of po-processing tool. Since the
comments are important here, it was rather unfortunate. All types of
merging to get the comments back failed - I always ended up with the po
msg comments in one file and the translations in another.
This is probably due to the comments being defined as they are. If I
replaced the # with "#. " it worked much better. I think this has to do
with simple "#" comments being translator comments, that shouldn't be
preserved in po processing, and "#. " being automatic comments, that
should be preserved (see So if could be changed to generate "#. " po message comments, I
think that would solve the problem.

Also, couldn't it generate the true pot creation time? date +"%y-%m-%d
%H:%M%z" works on my Linux system (the %z doesn't work on Solaris, but
hey... ;-)

Thanks again for your work!


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