Re: What encoding to use for the translations

On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Alexander Shopov wrote:
> Guys, what encoding should we use for the pot files translation?
> Do we have to use UTF-8, or we can stick to the preferred here 8 bit
> windows-cp1251?

For GNOME 1.x, use your preferred encoding, I think.

> What about Gnome 2.0 and encodings?

For Gnome 2.0 we have have decided upon using UTF-8 for all translations.
So when Gnome 2.0 gets closer, we will have to convert all translations
into UTF-8.

There will be a Gnome 1.4.1 release however, so there's no need to do the
change right now, I think. If done I think the safest thing right now is
to do it for the Gnome 2.0 modules only, and for those modules with a
Gnome-2.0 branch.

> What is the best way to get a pot file and then submit it?

Keld's status page has links to po files. I use cvs myself:

cd modulename
cvs -z3 up -Pd
cd po
xml-i18n-update sv
emacs sv.po &


To submit it, you'll probably have to find someone with cvs access. There
should be at least someone in the translation team with cvs access. If you
are starting a new team, cvs access may have to be arranged...


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