I18N spam part II -- "reviewed" po files

I know I'd asked this before, but no answer is in my memory...

the po files should be reviewed from another person for QA, right? That
was a consense on i18n issues on GUADEC II I think (I wasn't there, so I
judge from the papers etc.).

I want to integrater this somehow into gtranslator now, but I would like
to know how the review message part should look alike?

/Me personally would await soemthing like this in the header comment:

If this is a common consense, I'll integrate the support of this header
entry into gtranslator GUI. Is this fien with you all somehow?!

If anyone is interested I'll tell my GUI ideas for this..

PS: Shouldn't http://i18n.gnome.org be developed further? Is it a dead
end or just a lack of time that causes it's useless-ness.
kabalak / kabalak@kabalak.net / Fatih Demir
`-GNOME / ICQ:64241161 / GSM: +491749787080
 `-Editor / vim
  `-Filemanager / VFU

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