Re: CVS question : how to remove a directory

Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 07:38:29AM -0700, Sean O Ceallaigh ->
> We have a CVS repository setup at our language Team's website
> and I put our web pages under version control.  However,
> I would like to remove some empty directories in our
> CVS repository.  In looking at the online CVS book, they
> say there is no way to remove a CVS directory in the 
> repository itself once it has been created -- even
> if you've removed every file from it.

There is no way to remove a directory from cvs, and rightly so; how
would you be able to revert to an earlier revision if the directory (and
the Attic files) were removed?

The right way to do this is the way you describe, give cvs the flag to
prune empty directories when doing an update.


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