Re: Making it easier on translators


Of course I can use MySQL just as well. If I said Postgresql was because it
is the one I'm used to, but I don't mind at all (besides that I have to spend
 some time to convert what I have allready for Postgresql, but that is no problem)
using MySQL, because the few things MySQL doesn't support and I use, can be 
worked around easily.
The only thing I'm not sure of MySQL (haven't play with it too much) is if I
can use 8 bit characters. For example, can I put Héctor García Álvarez and will
save all accented words correctly? 

The only thing I really need is all the GNOME cvs (not in server mode, but 
client) checked out. Is there any server already with this? Can I have an 
account on it to start putting the scripts down (alredy have most of the 
perl related ones) ?



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