El 01/10/13 13:04, María José Santos
Hola María José ! Esta es la cita que ponemos en las notas de prensa en inglés: About GNOMEGNOME was started in 1997 by two then-university students, Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena Quintero. Their aim: to produce a free (as in freedom) desktop environment. Since then, GNOME has grown into a hugely successful enterprise. Used by millions of people around the world, it is the most popular environment for GNU/Linux and UNIX-type operating systems. GNOME's software has been utilized in successful, large-scale enterprise and public deployments. The GNOME community is made up of hundreds of contributors from all over the world, many of whom are volunteers. This community is supported by the GNOME Foundation, an independent non-profit organization that provides financial, organizational and legal assistance. The Foundation is a democratic institution that is directed by its members, who are all active GNOME contributors. GNOME and its Foundation works to promote software freedom through the creation of innovative, accessible, and beautiful user experiences. En http://www.gnome.org/press/ tenemos las notas de prensa que el equipo de marketing (ahora "engagement") ha ido realizando. Un saludo, -- Juanjo Marin -- Juan José Marín Martínez Tlf: 956009437 (Corp. 409437) Móvil: 671596200 (Corp. 696200) Fax: 956009445 (Corp. 409445) Centro de Proceso de Datos. Delegación Territorial de Educación, Cultura y Deporte en Cádiz Secretaría General Provincial de Cultura y Deporte. Junta de Andalucía Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense bien si es necesario hacerlo: El medioambiente es cosa de todos. |