Re: Subversion migration schedule (cut-off Fri 18 Mar)

On Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 11:22:47PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Davyd Madeley">
> > With that in mind, and since I couldn't find it on the wiki. I was
> > wondering what reasons we have chosen to go with Subversion over other
> > popular contenders.
> Sucks less than CVS, won't take a lot of relearning, uses very similar model
> and infrastructure, relatively easy migration, doesn't change our ability to
> use other systems alongside it.
> It's an easy, incremental shift that helps us out in the near term, without
> getting in the way of testing/using other (more interesting) systems.

I was looking for a somewhat more detailed analysis of strengths and
weaknesses. If that doesn't exist, that's fine.


Davyd Madeley
08B0 341A 0B9B 08BB 2118  C060 2EDD BB4F 5191 6CDA

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