Re: NEWS entry format

Hi Jeff,

	I suggest we have a highly pluggable architecture, with a
Bonobo::NewsParser interface ;-)

	OTOH - here are the formats I use:

[vV]ersion X.Y.Z

	* Bugs
		+ item 1
		+ item 2
	* Features
		+ item 1
		+ item 2
[ no delimiter, perhaps some newlines ]
[vV]ersion X.Y.Z-1

	With (obviously) an entirely random choice of +/* bullet.

	I also use:


	and similar layout.

	Ultimately it seems to me that it should be possible (~easy) to parse
this sort of thing, since we know the package version number already -
we can grok for that - if not found, do nothing - else detect delimeter
style based on what preceeds the first instance of that version no. ;-)
- just a tad more perl. Then again, a simple '-- ' delimiter or somesuch
wouldn't hurt too much, I just happen to loathe tens of brutish '='
characters ;-)



 mmeeks gnu org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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