Re: API docs locations

Malcolm Tredinnick <malcolm commsecure com au> writes: 
> If I'm on an RPM based system, I will build rpms of the packages I want
> to install. The api-docs would then be part of the -devel package (they
> don't really make sense without the header files and stuff) and could be
> installed in /usr/share/doc/glib-devel/, etc. If I install a new -devel
> package, I get new docs.
> If I'm building from tarballs and not wanting to make a package, then
> surely I must be able to pass in a new prefix for the docs anyway
> (enforcing a single location regardless of other prefixes seems a bit
> dumb), so there's no conflict there.
> So what's the catch?

I think the issue is that we want to install the API docs ourselves
(via 'make install') but all the docs in /usr/share/doc/pkg-version
isi done with %doc, which doesn't use installed files.


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